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Full Text – The Key to Future Patent Searches

Should we say that the era of full disclosure has just begun, and therefore the importance of finding full-text patents?

According to US112, the enabling test requires that the claims be confirmed by the full disclosure of the preferred embodiment in the specification. This tactic was widely used by lawyers to invalidate patents in courts.

Therefore, as a provider of commercial information services, the provision of full-text data becomes extremely important for search and analysis, since the import of the inventive step may not be fully accessible in the claims.

In other words, there is a serious problem in conducting a comprehensive patent search, as suppliers of commercial patent databases provide the first page view. My occasional informal meetings with some analysts engaged in patent research continue to coincide with the simple fact that in order to understand the usefulness of the invention, it is strongly recommended to conduct a patent search in the full patent description. They believe that the title, summary and claims of the invention, as a rule, allow understanding the novelty and lack of evidence, while most patents have their own usefulness in the complete specification.

In addition, it is advisable to carry out an exhaustive patent search in Elasticsearch video tutorial, which includes complete descriptions of patents in which the object of the patent search is intended for legal proceedings related to the invalidation / violation, as well as in the level of technology. Again and again, it became clear to the patent seeker that patents are often written to conceal the patented invention. We believe that the above confirms the need to search the full text and, therefore, the key to future patent searches.

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Machine learning training prepares engineers, data scientists and other professionals with the knowledge and practical skills necessary for certification and machine learning skills. The prospect of the benefits that machine learning offers companies.